Tag: orange whip

Balance, Rhythm Lessons Learned at Orange Whip Golf Clinic

An Orange Whip golf clinic held recently at Grande Dunes Golf Performance Center proved to golfers that good balance and rhythm results in cleaner contact with the golf ball…and more consistent ball striking!

Have you ever used a metronome while taking a golf swing? At first, you may be a bit off-tempo but, once you slow down and feel the rhythm, a natural “back-and-through” motion occurs, you start to feel more relaxed and your body naturally takes over to complete the process.

You could hear the “click” on many of the golfers’ clubs as the Orange Whip began to take effect – the students were happily stating that, in the short period of time using this golf training aid, the ball was going farther with less effort.

Could you imagine what will happen when these golfers take home an Orange Whip and use it as directed?

Jim Hackenberg, the inventor of the Orange Whip Trainer, showed a group of about thirty students how he designed several of his products to help synchronize the upper and lower body and achieve repetition in the golf swing. Along with Dale Ketola, Director of Instruction at the Performance Center, the two coached the group on setup, the putting stroke, the short game, and driver improvement using several different products in the Orange Whip lineup; the Putter, Wedge, the Orange Peel, and the original Orange Whip Driver Trainer.

This was another engaging golf clinic brought to you by Dale Ketola, a leader in South Carolina Golf Instruction, and the Grande Dunes Golf Performance Center. Contact Dale Ketola to schedule a private lesson and check out the Events Calendar to sign up for an upcoming golf clinic.



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